Hey guys welcome back this time were talking infantry tanks and awesome fighting animations. Red Orchestra 2 look at the video below and tell me what you think. Okay i love tanks and first of all look at the fighting animations on the tanks it’s so cool guys.The movement the action i would play this but i can’t. I love tank games and most tank game you find are utter garbage not to discredit warthunder or WOT. But i wish those games could have the interiors and multi crewing so you could play with friends. So you could coordinate the gun fire, driving, and val gunners and all this falls under one person the commander. So who’s commanding better be good like sides strafe and bombadil. Those two work like a clock. The infantry combat is just so cool guys it’s all out hell from what i’ve seen.
So that is the end of this review here i will have a new post out soon but that’s all and catch you later and subscribe to sidestrafe.